Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Hi guys...I'm not going to talk much...But i'm just going to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR...
May it be a blessing year for us...No disaster..NO fight...NO war...
NO nothing...I mean there must not be any dreadful things...
May it be an unforgetable year for us...just like 2008...
Guess what..It's my dad's b'day too...
Isn't it great to have celebrate our b'day on countdown...It's just like counting
down forhis b'
YEAH..going to shool tomoro...i guess no more jumping around like we used to...
no more staying late at nite....time to unleash our goals...haha...
we are going to have a stress year ahead...which is nxt year...O-level guys..2010...
good luck guys...
Again i would like you guys a
Monday, December 29, 2008
HI =)
Hello....I've just finished watching suci...Again Bayu is so hot!!!
I'm just going to say that until I'm tired...Hahaha!!!
Went over to Atikah's house...and I almost got her into trouble...
Sorry ikah!!!haha...No offence rite???hope so!!!
Hey...guess what???I still haven't bought my books...
Surprising isn't it???Hahaha..Well...
Perhaps tomorrow...And I really hope it's tomoro....
No more delaying it MUM!!!!pls!!!!
Rite after the visit to atikah's house...Decided to
go to Bugis....And yes...I have bought a bag...
And it SUX!!!seriously!!!!But there's nothing I could do..
I mean the bag has been bought and there's no way i can ever return it back =(...
I met Jin xian on my to the MRT...WOw..that dude really changed alot...
I mean he's really so tall...Miles away from me...hey that's too much isn't it...
haha...We actually stop for a moment and talked about school and stuff...
and then he suddenly asked me bout sound....Haha...Can't believe it!!!
And then we go our separate ways...
But surprisingly..We met again in the MRT..And that's where we actually talked for quite a while...Then he make a stop at bedok while i make a stop at Bugis...
boo...That really brings back good memory of our friendship...
I'm bored rite now...My bro WEnt out for jamming...
Too bad I can't follow them...hmm...
Let's coundown to school reopens...
4 more days to school reopens....
haha...I guess that's all...
More updates cuming up....
Stay tuned...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hello :)
I've just finish watching that Hot indonesian guy(his pics is just above) movie(SUCI)....HE's so hot...Oh..wait a minute...HOw many times must i say that???haha...But really....he is hot...(there you go again..another hot one)..LOL!!!That guy really looks like David Archuleta...haha..
Anyways...I'm not really in the mood to post something in my blog rite now...
And i don't even noe why!!!Haha...But i guess there's really have got to be sumthing very very deep down inside me...haha...I'm still figuring it out!!!
I've just finish watching that Hot indonesian guy(his pics is just above) movie(SUCI)....HE's so hot...Oh..wait a minute...HOw many times must i say that???haha...But really....he is hot...(there you go again..another hot one)..LOL!!!That guy really looks like David Archuleta...haha..
Anyways...I'm not really in the mood to post something in my blog rite now...
And i don't even noe why!!!Haha...But i guess there's really have got to be sumthing very very deep down inside me...haha...I'm still figuring it out!!!
I guess that's all....Sorry for not updating that much!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What's up???
Hey hey hey...
can't wait for school reopen!!!
I'm dying to meet my new classmates!!!
really!!!I hope they are just likemy former classmates!!
Haix!!!I still miss my 2b...hehe
i'm so addicted to this indonesian guy!!!
he is so hot!!!
He's definitely my taste....haha...jkjk..
But seriously...he is so good looking....
Like a million times better than whoever i've said handsome!!!
haha...His name is Bayu Kusumanegara...and still single....
I guess it's a good opporturnaty for me...hehe....LOL...
I just can't stop thinking bout him!!!
He's so cool...
OH yah...
Go check out David Archuleta new Official Music Video"A Little Too Not Over You"
It's A great song...
But Crush is still on my top list...
haha...Oh's the link...
go check out....
Hey hey hey...
can't wait for school reopen!!!
I'm dying to meet my new classmates!!!
really!!!I hope they are just likemy former classmates!!
Haix!!!I still miss my 2b...hehe
i'm so addicted to this indonesian guy!!!
he is so hot!!!
He's definitely my taste....haha...jkjk..
But seriously...he is so good looking....
Like a million times better than whoever i've said handsome!!!
haha...His name is Bayu Kusumanegara...and still single....
I guess it's a good opporturnaty for me...hehe....LOL...
I just can't stop thinking bout him!!!
He's so cool...
OH yah...
Go check out David Archuleta new Official Music Video"A Little Too Not Over You"
It's A great song...
But Crush is still on my top list...
haha...Oh's the link...
go check out....
Monday, December 22, 2008
HEllO =) are you guys doing???I'm really so damn bored rite now!!
For the past few days...i've been going i guess..that's y i'm not
use to sitting down at home doing nothing....Actually there was
something that i did....and that is to clean up the house!!!Actually
I was so mad with my very dearest sister in law,kak ita....What are she thinking...
She treat my mum as if she's is a maid...what the FUCK!!!I hate their
FUC*KING attitude man!!!can u imagine...after being a daughter in law...
She can actually sit down and relax...and not doing anything...LOL...
(one more thing..i highlighted the text in red.. cos it really shows my
She didn't even spare a thought for my mum...My mum's having a lot of
work in the kitchen...and still....kak ita can sit down watch tv...and she
can even sleep...LOL..why can't she just get on their bud and help
my mum is really weak after that fall...she will always
have bad headache...i was always worried...i hope everything's fine...
cos she didn't even go to the doctor....that's her...she's always stubborn...
She have hypertension!!and yet she's not taking any medicine.....haix....
very bad rite???aiyo!!! just hope that i could grow faster..i really wanna
work and support my mum....she's not fit to be in the kitchen anymore!!!
I mean look at her age....does she deserve to be in the kitchen...i believe
the answer is no!!!I love her so much...LOVE YOU MUM...(awww!!! ) i just
wish i was born first...only then i could have finish studying and i'm
working rite now!!!haix....but nobody can arranged our life...the only one is ALLAH S.A.W....
I guess that's all....erm..i hope you guys have read my blog!!!Haha
Have A Nice Day =)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hello...just came back from national stadium!!!
It was a knock out for Vietnam...but not for Singapore!!
Hate it man...can't believe vietnam score!!
It's like WTF....
People around there was just shouting BUTO!!!
I was really stunned....
I even saw Suryani...with his boyfriend...
Npt her type at all....
Saw Iqmar too....
HE was the one who tap on me..
only then i realised it was him...
Itwas so crowded in the national stadium...
I oso saw Abg Fairuz n Abg Farid....
ANd then Saw Sadikin...
His like a mat....
Never could imagine that he could actually be like that...
I guess that's all...
I'm so worn-out....
It was a longWALK from Upp Boon Keng
to the national stadium....
OK then...
have a nice day!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
hello...haix...i can't wait for that nose bleeding to is really killing me!!!
Aiy0!!!Actually i wanted to say sumthin..but i guess this isn't the right time yet...
cos she is still here....unless she have gone home...haha...
And 1 more thing...i really hate that stupid,bloody,FU*KING foto comment
WTF!!!!(Ehk ali...jage mulut kau sikit arh ehk...jangan nk tuduh sembarang..baru balek kampong dah nk carik psl per!!)haix...what happen to him men...
what made him say that i'm a minah...
LOL....does every women who wears shades appears to be a minah???
ERm...yesterday slept abg maman was really so damn fun
and then me..abg udin and abg man went out to seven eleven at 3+ in the morning...
It was so dark...and there was not even a single car on the road...
it was quite creepy though...But i enjoyed every moment we spent together...
apart from the nonsense things that abg maman talk about....
we even talk bout...our parents...
if there are both gone...
there is no point living..
i agree to those words...
really2 true!!!!
it really make sense....
we plan to stay overseas....
i can't even imagine...
living in this world without the love ones............
I'm going to vivo on monday with my mum...n firdaus...
and then perhaps..we are going to buy bag...
I found it already...
i hope there is still Some bags left for me!!!
Actually there was more that i was going to say...
But suddenly there was this thing that struck my mind...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
HEY :)
Hello...I had a very fun time yesterday...
Arh...I went for a bowling at Marina with abg maman and family!!
I just wish i could turn bck time...haix!!!
Guess what....I achieve a total score of 57...haha
I'm actually second on the list!!
Not bad huh!!!LOL!!But actually there was a big difference as compared to the top scorer!!
After spending about 1 1/2 hour there,we went to the food court..
To fill up some foods in our tummy!!!
Then today...went to arcade!!
But wasn't that fun as yesterday!!!
Finally kak shahirah created a friendster...
she will love friendster...
I guess that's all!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
HEY :)
Hie...anyway..what should I talk about???
Actually there's nothing much to talk about!!
I'm going over to my brother's house tomorrow......
I just can't wait to get on the piano and play some songs
that I've been learning on
I hope i can still get that song in my head!!
I'm hoping to go to Vivo City along with my bro!!
But that provided if he wants to!!haha!!
Yeah..finally tomorrow i get my phone back!!!
I hope the same problem won't happen again...
If it does happen again,I would rather not use handphone anymore!!!
I'm serious!!
So,anything else???
I guess not!!
Gdnite!!!!!(to those who read my blog during night time =)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
HEy...sorry for the lacked of me not updating my blog quite recently!!
I was too busy with my niece and nephew until i forget bout my important stuff!!
I was too busy with my niece and nephew until i forget bout my important stuff!!
Crazy isn't it...haha...LOL..anyway i watch WUJUD 2 yesterday...
I was really freak out after the show that i couldn't even sleep....i twist and turn in my bed..
like a few times...actually not a few times..but a million of times..
haha...of cos not i was just joking...
But that show was really crazy!! Perhaps the scariest show ever!!LOL!!
I recommend you the show!!Go watch it!!!
Btw...i really miss school alot!!
I wonder how school will be nxt year!!
Hopefully it would not be a stressful year for me...i mean for us..SEC 3 students!!
rite guys???
so what's more???
oh yah...
my is spoilt....
damn it...Sony Ericsson is really killing me!!!
Btw...i am now saving up money to buy DAVID ARCHULETA's album...
love him...i mean his is just so cool...
love him...i mean his is just so cool...
I had no idea how david cook won...
haix...Ameica got it wrong!!!
I will forever be ARCHULETA's fan...
I still haven't pay my fon bill....
WTF...hopefully it will still activate nxt month...
Btw...last two day...
We(my family and i) played Who Wants To Be A Millionaire online game...
and we actually manage to answer all the way up
to that million dollar question...
can't believe that i acually had a genius family...
We are now a millionaire...
only on that online show...
too bad...haha...
that's all i guess...
thx for viewing my blog....
Saturday, December 6, 2008 so damn bored!!! nothing to do at home!!I really want to go out!!
it's like WTF!!We should enjoy ourselves rite during the holidays!!
but im still missing those school moments!!!I wonder what it would be like nxt year..
Everyting will completely change!! I hate new environments!!Becoz we will have to
take time to adapt with it!!! I still miss my 2-Bians...I love you guys alot...
So any events coming up??Let's see..the upcoming event is Hari Raya Haji..
Yeah!!!I'm so happy!!!Finally i can get myself out from my house!!LOL :)
Finally after six days at my house..abg maman go back already!!Sad isn't it??
I really enjoyed those moments with Insyirah N Shakir!!
Miss them alot!!
But nvm...monday i'll be able to see them again!!Cos Hari Raya Haji mah!!!
So that's all...Thx for viewing my blog...
Have A Nice Day!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
hey...hi..i didn't post anything last night cos i was so worn-out..
I went to the zoo yesterday n probably that was the best family vacation
i've ever had...the best moment was at the kids world...
me together with abg maman..kak ita n abg udin...we really had fun time
splashing water at each...the scary part was when abg udin carry me...
and it was a long journey...n then he threw me into the water..
haha...i was really tired after spending 3 1/2 hours in
the pool...haha...but i really enjoyed myself...